Post by robdean on Aug 12, 2019 16:47:58 GMT
Astore Fuel Stick - -
I drained one tank and then added two gallons at a time and measured the distance from the bottom of the tank so I could make a wooden fuel stick.
I'm sharing my results and should be very similar in your Astore if you need a fuel stick.
2019‐08‐12, Tecnam Astore (N4824T), SN 064, Fuel Stick, gallon marks (in centimers from bottom of tank)
Gallons, cm distance from bottom of tank 2, not visible 4, 2.3 6, 4.5 8, 6.4 10, 8.3 12, 10.3 14, 12.9
It is easier to mark centimeter distances on the fuel stick rather than fractional inches