John Crone
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Posts: 33
Home Airport: North Shore, New Zealand
Post by John Crone on Nov 29, 2019 20:22:26 GMT
Have a look at the discussion under P2002 Sierra forum comparing Sierra with Eaglet.
I suspect your performance chart is incorrect. For the same engine and all up weight the two should have very similar take off/landing performance.
My understanding is that the Astore has the same laminar wing as the P2002/P2004 while the P2008's is slightly fatter and therefore higher lift.
So if anything a P2008 should have better take off performance but with a bit more drag from the wing and strut.
Post by jetcat3 on Nov 30, 2019 0:19:13 GMT
The P2008’s is laminar as well so very similar to the P2002 and Astore.
Post by montanapilot on Nov 30, 2019 16:16:32 GMT
A couple of items:
I own an Astore, and for me, it's the right airplane. However, I think that the deal breaker in using the Astore in a teaching setting is the ingress and egress issue, even more than the heat problem. The Astore is not the easiest airplane to get into, and you're bound to have students for which this is a problem.
BTW, my routine is that when I'm done flying, I close the canopy but I don't lock it (again, in a previous post, I noted that Shannon told me not to even try to use the key since they install a cheap lock and the key will break off if you try to use it). I leave the latch in the open position but the canopy's closed. Therefore, when I go out to fly, I can open the canopy while still standing on the ground, and then I use the "crotch" - where the side rail curves up to become the windshield frame - as a handhold to assist in getting up onto the wing. It makes it way easier, and I note this for existing Astore owners but still think that ingress could be an issue for certain students. You only want to use the crotch, not the windshield frame itself since, as we've discussed on this forum, you do not in any way want to stress the windshield.
ATP Time Builders - I also did a comparison chart before I bought my Astore, and also found it very helpful. Just one item - my prop is set at more of a cruise than a climb setting. Normal cruise for me is 131 kts at 5450 rpm, and it still climbs at around 1,000 fpm. The extra speed shouldn't really make much difference in a teaching setting, but I just wanted to note that.
Post by garyfrick on Jun 19, 2020 8:33:54 GMT
I’m thinking about getting a Astore in addition to my P2008TC any thoughts about transitioning to a low wing. I’ve also looked at a Sling 2, any thoughts on how it stacks up to an Astore. Then there’s the Chute issue, I like that comfort of knowing I have one yet most Astore’s don’t. Thoughts? I’m betwixed and bewildered. garyfrick
Post by ChiMike on Jun 19, 2020 20:26:06 GMT
I’d go with the Sling. I’m not aware of any Astore’s with a BRS—are there?
Post by jetcat3 on Jun 20, 2020 12:21:53 GMT
I’m thinking about getting a Astore in addition to my P2008TC any thoughts about transitioning to a low wing. I’ve also looked at a Sling 2, any thoughts on how it stacks up to an Astore. Then there’s the Chute issue, I like that comfort of knowing I have one yet most Astore’s don’t. Thoughts? I’m betwixed and bewildered. garyfrick I would opt for the Astore but to be fair I’ve only flown the Sling 4 and Sling TSi. The Sling 2 has a higher lift airfoil and I greatly prefer the laminar flow of the P2008 and Astore as those will handle turbulence better.
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Post by Craig on Jul 29, 2020 17:30:00 GMT
I fly my new Astore in Florida. Was a little concerned about heat when buying it but it has been a non-issue. Much prefer the visibility to the 2008 personally. Craig
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Home Airport: KVNC
Post by Craig on Jul 29, 2020 17:32:05 GMT
I’m thinking about getting a Astore in addition to my P2008TC any thoughts about transitioning to a low wing. I’ve also looked at a Sling 2, any thoughts on how it stacks up to an Astore. Then there’s the Chute issue, I like that comfort of knowing I have one yet most Astore’s don’t. Thoughts? I’m betwixed and bewildered. garyfrick I am adding a chute to my Astore. Craig
New Member
New Astore owner
Posts: 8
Home Airport: KVNC
Post by Craig on Jul 29, 2020 17:33:19 GMT
I’d go with the Sling. I’m not aware of any Astore’s with a BRS—are there? Easy addition to Astore. Mine came with Chute Prep. Craig
Post by LSA Flyer on Jul 30, 2020 0:48:06 GMT
My Astore came with a Czech chute: Galaxy GRS. The airframe and Fuselage are designed for chute equipage. I'd consider who is going to be around to support your airplane 5 years from now. Tecnam has an extensive footprint here with its Part 23 lineup.